Ferrero invents the biscuit factory

 At the end of October Ferrero released the Nutella biscuits, a product for which 120 million euros were invested and 10 years of testing were done before being sold. The investment will make Ferrero a major competitor in the biscuit market not only in Italy but also in Europe.
The biscuit is produced in the factory of Balvano, in the province of Potenza where Ferrero has installed a futuristic plant. Thanks to the use of innovative patents, the factory is equipped with artificial intelligence and 18 visual systems that control the quality of the product.
In addition to these peculiarities, the plant has 40 mechanical arms, 7 robots and 200 engines.
Even the assembly of the final product is the result of a patent, through a millimetric synchronization process a wafer with the inside of Nutella is closed by another biscuit.

12/09/2019 | Patent