The Italian Ministry for Economic Development has assigned 55 million Euros for development plans proposed by start-up companies regarding upper-middle technology fields. Such programs can include both pre-competitive development and industrial research activities. The aim is to promote R&D, particularly in the following fields: - biotechnologies; - information and communication technology; - innovative (advanced) materials; - robotic systems of high interaction with human beings and environment; domotic systems; mechatronic systems for motion generation, transmission and control; - technologies, processes, management and control systems for eco-sustainable production and use of energy, fuels and finished and semi-finished products, based on renewable sources exploitation and/or natural raw materials. The "Start Up" proclamation, published on July 25th 2009, is one of the many activities financed by the Italian "Fondo per l'innovazione tecnologica del 2009" (l. 46/82).